
With a magnificent natural setting of beaches, dunes, bays, marshes and a great biodiversity, Isla Cortés has the beauty of the Sea of Cortés beaches and the serenity and protection of Altata bay.

Enormous natural beauty is unique to this special place with its quiet beaches, diverse flora and fauna, all of which are protected under a permanent and strict conservation plan that follows official guidelines for their protection within the development of this unique project.

The improvement of terrain conditions, and the notable increase in the quality and quantity of services, as well as the specific care for the conservation of the natural biodiversity of the peninsula, warranty endemic species to find a suitable environment to live harmoniously with their surroundings.

Isla Cortés plans, along with environmental protection agencies, a series of very specific guidelines that are to be followed by residents, visitor and developers alike, in order to sustain a harmonious relationship with nature.

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